We cannot choose the soil we are rooted in.

We can build strength, find compassion, and choose how we grow.

We provide individual and family therapy & counseling for children, adolescents and adults in Bend, Oregon.

At Roots & Branches Counseling, LLC, we believe that all people grow and thrive when their life experiences, relationships, and systems allow them to. We believe that trauma and adverse life experiences cause us to function in a state of survival - trying to find safety, protection, comfort and a way to make sense of our lives. We try to meet these needs and cope in whatever ways we can. But, there may come a time when these ways of meeting needs and coping are no longer sustainable or helpful to us, and we find ourselves stuck, not knowing how to do things differently. We believe in the hope that change is possible, healing is possible, and re-learning to feel and live differently is possible. We can learn or re-learn what safety, comfort, and connection are like, and therapy can be a part of that change process.

Who we are

Karissa Viebeck, MSW, LCSW

Karissa Viebeck, MSW, LCSW

Phil Viebeck, MSW, LCSW

Phil Viebeck, MSW, LCSW


Contact Us

Have questions? Interested in reaching out for a consultation? Want to schedule an appointment?

Please feel welcome to contact us!